the importance of calcium consumption for the health of your body; particularly your bones

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This week’s Discussion will focus on the importance of calcium consumption for the health of your body; particularly your bones. Bones are dynamic structures which are constantly undergoing remodeling. What happens if something goes wrong with that process and the density of bone decreases? Can you stop the loss or reverse it? This week, you will investigate different ways to prevent bone loss by developing good nutrition habits.

Think about what you eat in a week. Describe a typical meal and research the calcium content of that meal for both food and drink. Take that value of calcium in mg, and multiply by 3 to get a rough estimate of what your daily intake is. Next, research how much calcium you should be consuming for your gender and age. You may find this information on food labels or by researching it online. When you have finished, answer the following questions:

How much calcium should you be consuming for your gender and age? 51 year old , Female

List each food item from one of your largest meals during the week (i.e., dinner).

Which food listed had the highest calcium content?

Which food had the lowest?

Were you surprised at your findings? Why or why not?

Based on your findings, do you meet the recommended daily allowance for calcium?

What specific recommendations can you make to someone to ensure that they take in enough calcium through their daily diet? How could you apply this to your own life?

Why is it important to get enough vitamin D along with calcium? What are the ways to get enough vitamin D?

Discussion Requirements and Guidelines:

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials. Initial discussion responses should be around 200–300 words

Text book:Tortora, G. J. & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (15th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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