The Influence of Zora Neale Hurston on the Harlem Renaissance

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The Influence of Zora Neale Hurston on the Harlem Renaissance


Paper details:

As the topic suggests, this should be a term paper on the influence of Zora Neale Hurston on the Harlem Renaissance Era, and should look at her role not just as an author during this period, but also as an African-American woman (which means including some gender and race studies in the paper itself). Also, there should be a section which discusses and critiques her book “Their Eyes Were Watching God” in great detail. I shall leave the title to you, whatever you see fit, as well as finding at least 6 sources to cite during the paper itself. The font should be Times New Roman size 10. I have added no source materials, you shall have to search for those yourself (I expect about 6 sources/reference materials). Make sure that they’re not just websites, but book chapters and journal texts too. Of course, I expect citations inside the text, as many as possible, with no copy-pasted sentences. Don’t worry about filling up the title page with personal information, I can do that myself. If you have any questions, contact me through this site.

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