The length of the paper should be 10 pages of text. – Essaylink

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Justice for All is not possible in America?
The length of the paper should be 10 pages of text.
(2)    Include a bibliography, consisting of, at least, 5 books or papers.
(3)    Include notes which refer to sources of majors claims—notes from the paper bibliography.
(4)    Apply the MLA style in your essay. Get a sample in the library.
(5)     Include an outline of your essay, which should serve as a table of contents for the final draft of your paper.
(6)     State clearly your thesis followed by a short transitional statement listing the major arguments of the paper.
(7)     Proceed with argumentation step by step and clearly.
(8)     Backing up (or documenting) your basic claims. If appealing to the authority of philosophers (authors), be critical, always specifying whatever you’re agreeing with and to what extent.
(9)     Be mindful of the grading criteria which are provided on a separate sheet.
(10) Failure to adhere to these instructions will result in the rejection of your research paper.


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