The most efficient process of gathering forensic evidence

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The most efficient process of gathering forensic evidence 

In preparing your paper, please make sure you answer these questions: What is Computer Forensics? What steps would you recommend to follow to gather forensic evidence? Why your recommendation would be the most efficient? What laws govern seizure of evidence (just cite them), 1. Write the instructions on the bottom of the cover page. 2. On the next page/first page fof your paper, have an introduction, titled as INTRODUCTION, that explains the purpose of the paper (i.e. what will be discussed) and what specific answers will be answered. You can also cover what each of the future paragraphs will address. IMPORTANT. DO NOT CREATE AN ABSTRACT. THESE PAPERS ARE TOO SHORT FOR AN ABSTRACT. USE THAT INFORMATION FOR THE INTRODUCTION. 3. Have section headings appropriate to what will be discussed or answered in each section. 4. The last section heading should be called Conclusion or Summary. 5 Each paragraph should have a least 1 citation or more especially in the case paper. i.e. where did you derive the discussion from – what reading? 6. You must use all the required readings at least once as a citation; they can be used more than once if appropriate – demonstrate to us that you read all the required readings and can apply them to your writing. Outside sources are welcome and encouraged

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