There are distinct views regarding the church, the Body of Christ, and where find the beginning point of the church in Scripture might be found.  Baker holds to what is known as the “mid-Acts” view, and there are a number of detailed reasons that work together to lead to this conclusion. – Essaylink

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There are distinct views regarding the church, the Body of Christ, and where find the beginning point of the church in Scripture might be found.  Baker holds to what is known as the “mid-Acts” view, and there are a number of detailed reasons that work together to lead to this conclusion.  It is important that you have an understanding of this position, including a comparison with your own personal views on this subject.
Read Chapters 64-72 in Part 8 of the textbook by Charles F. Baker. A Dispensational Theology
Write a 4-page paper regarding the mid-Acts view that the Body of Christ began sometime after the conversion of Saul in Acts 9.  Include the following points:
An explanation and summary of the reasons that are given for the mid-Acts view by Baker.
An analysis of the mid-Acts view, providing specific support for aspects of both strength and weakness.
Conclude with a statement of your personal view of when the Body of Christ began, using biblical support.
Supporting Scripture and at least two quality sources are included.
APA format is required.

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