Translating a short writing into french

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Utilisez un (1) infinitif +à et un (1) infinitif + de. Utilisez le pronom Y (une fois) et le pronom EN (une fois).

Social network is very common these days (nowadays). With facebook as the avant garde in 2004. The use of social network is now for everyday use, we’re always on our phones, laptops and tablets browsing on Social media. We use social network to connect to our friends, our family and loved one, to update news all around the world. However, come along with goods, there are some bad. Some people use social network to spread misleading information, negative information. These information could be harmful if we do not know how to filter it. Also there’s a chance of having your personal information/ data be stolen by these social network. Therefore, use it with care. The choice is yours to make. But be aware!

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