user experience need examples

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Topic: user experience need examples on how to approach in relation to the following:

  1. Outline what digital user experiences are including potential objectives and characteristics for digital engagement for the organizational brand.

  2. Provide an outline of the characteristics of the product lines and brand.

  3.  the types of digital experience based on current technology.

  4. Research how digital users and engagement patterns may be classified. Provide in detail at least three methods.

  5. List common events and methods used for intervention in digital journeys

  6. Outline policies and procedures which should be in place in regard to digital user experience.

  7. Outline the key ethical and legal requirements in regard to user experience.

  8. Compare user types, their digital journeys, and common characteristics.

  9. Develop two user stories from multiple perspectives that promote positive engagement.

  10. Select mode, type and form of digital interventions in user experience for these two user stories.

  11. Draw at least two schematics to represent typical conversation types based on device, platform, client and user intent.

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