Using Evidence to Support Policy Advocacy

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Advocating for new policies is an important aspect of the master’s-prepared nurse’s role. Being able to advocate for the policy you proposed in your Unit 6 assignment could be a useful skill and exercise to take back to your current practice environment. About me: Being a nurse for 15 years, I worked in the hospital for 2 years and the rest Home Health in South Florida. I’m currently a DON at a home Health agency. Please use source from 2015 to present and only use .org .edu and .net Your initial post will use the population and policy you proposed in your Unit 6 assignment to address the following. Be sure to follow the requirements for initial postings found in the Faculty Expectations Message (FEM). Propose two potential strategies that you could use to advocate for your policy proposal. For each potential strategy, address the following: Explain how the strategy would help you advocate for your policy proposal. Present at least one piece of evidence that would support the benefits of your proposed policy, and explain how it supports your policy. Present at least one piece of evidence that supports the advocacy strategy and explain how it supports the strategy.

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