w hy is the study of the history of rock and roll relevant to you?

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Why is the study of the history of rock and roll relevant to you?


As we have studied the development of rock and roll, we have not only examined musical styles and trends, but how they correspond with developments in social, political, and fashion areas as well. As you think about what we have studied compared to your own experience, from your own perspective, answer this question:

Why is the study of the history of rock and roll relevant to you? Provide a detailed explanation of your answer.

When answering this question, keep in mind what we are studying took place during a relatively short period in the second half of the 20th century. Your answer can be personal, specific or general in nature. It could be that the study of rock and roll is not relevant to you at all.

There are no right or wrong answers, your teammates and I are interested in your honest opinion.

I am more concerned about content rather than length, but this should take up roughly one half page typed, double-spaced, using a 12 pt font. Use your Team’s Discussion Forum to share your paper with your Team members.

After all the students in your Team (approximately 12 students) have posted their statements, read them. Then add at least one comment (can be as short as a sentence) about each Team member’s statement in the Extended Discussion Lesson 12: The relevance of studying rock and roll history in your Team Folder in the Discussion Board Folder.

I will read all of your statements and then craft my own statement with my reaction to what the students in the class have written and I will share this with all of you.


If you complete this assignment, you will receive 20 points: 10 points for your statement and 10 points for the comments you add to statements from the other students in your discussion group. I am interested in your honest opinion, so there are no “right or wrong” answers. I may take off points if your statement is too short (missing something), if your assignment is incomplete (ie. you fail to add at least one comment to each statement submitted by all the other members of your discussion group) or if there are grammatical and spelling problems. Do not submit a list. Your statement should be written in prose (sentences and paragraphs, etc.). See the course schedule for due dates for original posts and response posts and below for instructions about using the discussion board.

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