Week 4: Social Media Marketing: Option 2: Hashtags

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I need help with a Marketing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


I need some assistance writing a paper for a marketing course.

Review the blogpost on how to use hashtags: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/hashtags-twitter-facebook-instagram#sm.00011wo6t4u8aejnunp1ebwuq9nle


Part 1. Summarize how hashtags work on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. How and why are they different? How are they similar?

Part 2. Pick a well-known brand and examine its use of the hashtag for a specific product or promotion. For example, Coca-Cola was very successful using #ShareACoke, while Major League Baseball cashed in on #postseason. Analyze how the brand uses the hashtag—or a variation of the hashtag—across Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Present in an MS Word document,
  • APA Format
  • 3 scholarly references
  • 3-4 pages

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