Write a news story

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I need an explanation for this Communications question to help me study.

Please answer the questions In Story Idea#2 file for both interviewers. You can search about it on google “Wartburg college financial aid program”

then start to write the news story:

1- please use their information in the story.

2- first time use their full name, then for the next paragraphs use only last names.

3- FOLLOW THE AP STYLE “This is Not APA style” its different.

4- Write the story with the two interviews

5- I will attach an example how you should design the paper. but it’s different than this assignment because it’s going to have two interviews and the example is only one interview.

6- Each paragraph no more then 5 Lines

7- Please narrative your interview.

8-Use quotes.

9-Use third person only” Don’t use Me or I”

10- No opinion, Just facts.

11- Single space- Times 12 point font.

12- Use two research articles that connect with this topic, for example; Google advanced search.

13- 500 minimum words.

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