Write a three- to four-page essay in which you explain what climate justice and/or environmental justice, cite each source

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I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

Paper #1

Write a three- to four-page essay in which you explain what climate

justice and/or environmental justice is. Use specific examples from two or three of the sources

we have examined thus far to articulate your understanding. You may draw from videos,

readings, and your internet research. Make sure to correctly cite each source according to MLA format, including both in-text

citations and the works cited page. BRING YOUR SOURCES TO CLASS!

Please make the essay about this article preferably and you can connect to anything else that has to do with Climate justice or Environmental Justice: Whatever is easier for you

1. https://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la?language=en


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