Write specific points and explain from the book SImple Leadership

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I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

In the attachments there is an example of the paper. The attachments also have pictures of the book and pages that must be used to do this assignment. No outside sources must be used. There must be only one reference and that is from the book Leadership SImple.

You must pick a quote from the book. Then write a question that must be two paragraphs. Then find 5 talking points form the book and elaborate on them. the assignment must be a full 4 pages not including the bibliography. One page is for the quote and the other 3 are for the actual writing. The wanted length of each section can be seen in the example given in the files. The sample is only supposed to be used as an example. No information from the sample must be copied or used.

THE SAMPLE IS FROM A DIFFERENT BOOK. THE BOOK THAT WILL BE USED AS A THE REFERENCE IS “Morris, Steve & Jill (2003) Leadership Simple: Leading Others to Lead Themselves. Imporex International Inc., Publisher.”

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