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Short Essay

ANTH 103 (80 points)

Resources to write this essay:

1. Film: “Breaking New Ground_Native Americans in Archaeology” Film: “Cannibalism in the Canyon” (this is the one you have watched for the film assignment during week 2) Textbook Chapter 18

Write: A short essay (Approximately 2 pages = 500 words, double-spaced, 12-point font) answering the following questions. Please write as an essay (not bulleted list of the answers).

1. What are some of the concerns by the Native Americans over archaeology?

2. How does some of the US legislation protect the Native Americans’ rights on their land?

3. Based on the film “Breaking New Ground_Native Americans in Archaeology”,a. Briefly summarize the project.b. How do the Native Americans involved in this project to view archaeology?

4. Please write your opinion about how we should conduct archaeological research in US.

Note: You do not watch “Cannibalism in the Canyon” again, as far as you remember the Native Americans’ opinion about the cannibalism presented in the film.

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