Assignment: Are You Fatigued?

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In this assignment, analyze your risk for fatigue by creating a sleep/work and discussing your findings for the 72-hour period. You may use the FAA Fatigue Risk Assessment Tool/ (Links to an external site.) (note that this tool will require you to install software on your computer), the NTSB example format (the image shown on this page), or create your own format. Things to consider:

  1. Are you a shift worker?
  2. What is your baseline requirement?
  3. Did you experience acute sleep loss? Cumulative sleep debt?
  4. Do you recall how you felt during these periods?
  5. While fatigued, were you undertaking any of the following:
      1. Intense physical or mental labor/play (e.g. sporting event)
      2. Periods of repetitive or monotonous work
      3. Periods of task saturation
  6. During the hours we refer to as the circadian troughs (generally around 0300/0400 and 1500/1600 hours), were you undertaking any of the following:
      1. Intense physical or mental labor/play (e.g. sporting event)
      2. Periods of repetitive or monotonous work
      3. Periods of task saturation

Note: Acute sleep loss follows any sleep period where you did not achieve baseline sleep in 24 hours. Cumulative sleep debt is reached when you have lost a full baseline of sleep before sleeping for a baseline. For example, my baseline is 6 hours. If I slept 3 hours Monday, I have acute sleep loss. If on Tuesday I again sleep only three hours, I now have 6 hours lost sleep overall, which is my baseline. This is considered cumulative sleep debt.

Incorporate the matrix into your document. Your analysis should be 2-4 pages of double-spaced text. apa format

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