Civic engagement. – Essaylink

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Civic engagement. Discuss justice and its relationship with civic engagement; Pls get scores from Lynn liberay Engage in an initial examination of social impact as a form of civic engagement; Explain abolitionist Henry David Thoreau’s concept of Civil Disobedience and how it relates to civic engagement and provided the foundation for understanding all modern American protest movements; Discuss how surviving the Holocaust transformed survivor Elie Wiesel into a tireless advocate for nonviolence, human rights, and the condemnation of bystanders; Discuss how the life of former slave Sojourner Truth exposes societal injustices and promotes civic engagement through women’s right to vote; Explain how Ida B. Wells anti-lynching crusade exemplifies how activism combats injustice. Civic engagement necessitates an awareness of the wider world and a sense of one’s own role as a world citizen. To be a global citizen, one must: 1) respect and value diversity; 2) have an understanding of both current and past social systems; 3) be passionately committed to social justice; 4) participate in the community at a variety of levels, from the local to the global; 5) work with others to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place; and 6) take responsibility for one’s actions. This section will explore important texts that demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between civic engagement, social impact, and justice.


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