Company origin story – Essaylink

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Pick a Venture backed business:

Research and present the following information

1. Company origin story: Founders and how they started the company.

2. List of Venture Capital investments that were made to the company including Seed, Series A, Series B, Series C, etc.

3. Revenue model for the company.

4. Data on how much Revenue the company is making. If you cannot find Revenue information, share information on how the company is performing. The key is to use success Metric even if it is not cash or revenue.

5. Current state of the company in the products and/or services that they are providing

6. Bonus: The company’s future plans

5 Page Paper, 12 point font, Times New Roman, APA Format (not including cover page or bibliography). Graphics also do not apply to the page count.

8 Slide Power Point Presentation

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