How do you see Quantum computing affecting businesses in the future

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How do you see Quantum computing affecting businesses in the future, will it be profitable or a hindrance?

  1. What kinds of ethical problems or concerns are associated with Quantum computing?

  2. What are the impacts of Quantum computing in relation to Cybersecurity and Cryptography?

  3. What is your thoughts on Quantum computing and do you see it as a negative or a positive to future innovations?


1) 5G Technology will require higher millimeter-wave frequencies telecom industry is aggressively seeking to outfit lampposts and utility poles around the country with microwave antennas beaming hazardous radiation next to, and into our homes, 24/7. Just how harmful is this radiation?

2) Will 5G Technology lead to invasion of privacy from the collection and mining of our digital data?

3) 5G Technology will open the doors to a wide range of new and exciting IoT products such as driverless cars, smart mattresses, Wi-Fi-connected pills ?, robots, and Artificial intelligence, smart toilets, etc. With all this, new technology will new human rights laws have to be considered?


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