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I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

I need quality work. Top notch work please, no plagiarism no grammar errors. Excellent English is required please

Attached are the readings.


Make sure you follow this guide below.

Each mini-assignment should be a 1.5pgs. (minimum) – 3pgs (maximum).

Each mini-assignment should briefly summarize two (2) of the assigned readings (not the “optional” or“recommended”) from the selected week, including the author’s main argument/thesis, a brief overview of their analysis, and their concluding findings. In addition to the summaries, students will then provide a brief personal reflection on both readings, including a question or point of interest per reading.

The main purpose for these mini-assignments is to provide you with content to talk about in class, in addition to showing me your critical engagement with our course readings. In other words, your brief reflection and question/points of interest should either be engaging with/critiquing the author’s points, providing an additional point of view/argument that the author seems to be missing, or asking a question of clarification (that isn’t evident from the reading itself) – this critical engagement with the reading needs to be made apparent and the

questions/points of interest should produce discussion (i.e.: cannot be answered with one or two words).

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