Need code for Intro to Java Lab: Develop an application that collects information for two separate accounts for an individual. Your application must have the following functionality:

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I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

1. (Need code; I can input into Netbeans) Create a NetBeans project called CS182Project1

2. Prompt for the first and last name of the individual; stored in two separate String variables.

3. Prompt for the account information for two separate user accounts. For each account, get the account name (I.e. Home Depot, Amazon, Target etc.), account number, account limit, and balance due. Do NOT use arrays! Use an appropriate data type for each input.

4. Compute the average balance of the 2 accounts and the amount available for each account.

5. While there is some room to be creative, your application must output the name in last name, first name format. For each account, display in a tabular format the account name, account number, account limit, account balance and amount available.

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