nursing theory

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I need an explanation for this Nursing question to help me study.

Reflect on the tenets of the Theory of Humanbecoming and its core concepts and assumptions. Then compare and contrast how the core concepts currently apply to your nursing practice versus how you anticipate they will relate to your future practice as a family nurse practitioner. Please identify at least 2 specific assumptions of the theory in your discussion as outlined in your textbook.

Assumptions outlined on textbook:

-Humanuniverse is indivisible, unpredictable, everchanging.
-Humanuniverse is co-creating reality as a seamless symphony of becoming.
-Humanuniverse is an illimitable mystery with contextually construed pattern preferences.
-Ethos of human becoming is dignity.
-Ethos of human becoming is august presence, a noble bearing of immanent distinctness.
-Ethos of human becoming is abiding truths of presence, existence, trust,
and worth.
-Living quality is the becoming visible-invisible becoming of the emerging now.
-Living quality is the everchanging whatness of becoming.
-Living quality is the personal expression of uniqueness

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