organization’s program success

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Discuss the importance of monitoring an organization’s program success. State challenges related to management programs that promote personal effectiveness for the organisation, and provide options for those staff that manages the program to manage these challenges.
a) Importance of monitoring an organization’s program success.
-By regularly checking the progress of programs, it is easy to detect mistakes and correct them early enough hence saving on costs and time.
-Room for flexibility; changes can be easily applied when constant monitoring is done on projects. Executive teams can suggest the change of course for instance to save on costs, reduce the completion period or add features to improve quality outcomes.
-Monitoring is essential to ensure that projects are completed on the set time and within the set budget.

b) Challenges related to management programs that promote personal effectiveness for the organization, and options for those staff that manages the program to manage these challenges.
-Decreased performance levels among team members are one major challenge experienced in program management. To improve on performance levels, managers can analyse weak areas within the projects and ways to motivate employees to achieve set goals and objectives
-Miscommunication and misunderstandings. This can be solved by ensuring that a clear channel of communication is used within the projects. Clearly speak the requirements and expectations to the employees to avoid errors. Also, there should be room to seek clarification and get accurate feedback.
-Lack of focus and poor teamwork is another challenge encountered while managing projects. To resolve the problem, leaders can sub-divide teams and select leaders to supervise each team or incorporate team-building exercises to create a strong relationship among employees.
-Time management can be a challenge when supervising a big team of workers, managers can divide tasks and schedule completion times for each worker to work as a remedy for time management.

Could you please customize these approaches to be more specific to evaluating a health and wellness program, rather than a generic project; and add additional information on options for staff when managing these challenges (especially in monitoring program success for such a program.)

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