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You just basically responding to the student of what you felt compelling and enlightening.

Student paper down below:

Unit 1 Technology and Criminal Justice: In this section we were asked to define non-lethal options and the pros and cons to these methods. I felt that I had a lot of knowledge in this section since I was a Deputy Sheriff and worked for 5 years in a detention facility. While in the facility we were only have OC and a Taser for safety and security. In the facility is were I learned how to effectively communicate with those who’s world has been turned over by being arrested and placed in jail. The Taser and OC spray are very effective tools; however, communication was the key tool for me. As everything in the world evolves so will the technology used in detention facilities and prisons systems.

The next unit I found interesting was Unit 3 Privatization of Justice: This was another subject that I found very interesting since here in Colorado we have a number of Prisons and Detention facilities and some are privatized and others are government operated. The facility I worked in was government run but was slowly privatizing. I see this as a potential problem since the private employees received less pay for doing the same job and the training was also different. I feel that the privatization of these facilities will become a problem in the very near future. The privatization of prison systems will continue to improve and more certified officers can move out to the streets to battle crime and organized criminals.

How did participating in the discussion Boards help during the assignments? The discussion boards were simply another resource for me. The discussion boards allowed me to gain information and knowledge from my fellow peers and their past experiences. If at any time I did not understand the subject all I had to do was read the posts from my peers and any and all questions were answered. The information provided by the instructor as well as the information provided by my peers answered and clarified all assignments.

What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information? This is an online course and in this course most of the information was provided, however because this is an online course the needed information is endless. The only way this course could have been taught differently was to teach it in a classroom so all the students could sit together and talk about the assignment. I feel that the class was taught effectively and efficiently and I would not change the online method. Thank you Dr. Ntepp and my fellow peers for the information and guidance throughout the course. I wish you all well and good luck in everything you do.

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