Select a business and visit its homepage.

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 Select a business and visit its homepage. For example, Kellogg’s stated vision is to be the

  1. “food company of choice” (Links to an external site.) ( While there is no mention of diversity in this vision statement, Kellogg’s mission statement is “to drive sustainable growth through the power of people and brands by better serving the needs of our consumers, customers, and communities” (Links to an external site.) (

  2. Locate and review information on the mission and vision statements pertaining to the company’s diversity philosophy and practices.

  3. An introduction that identifies the company you have selected and provides a brief synopsis of its stated commitment to diversity

  4. A background section that briefly describes the mission and vision statements and the way the company’s commitment to diversity is represented by these and through specific types of practices/programs/initiatives.

  5. An analysis that ties an evaluation of the company’s written material on diversity and the way it is managed and valued.

    For example, Kellogg’s stated vision is to be the “food company of choice” (Links to an external site.) ( While there is no mention of diversity in this vision statement, Kellogg’s mission statement is “to drive sustainable growth through the power of people and brands by better serving the needs of our consumers, customers, and communities” (Links to an external site.) (

  6. The statement mentions the “power of their people” and meeting the needs of major stakeholders, and further research into the website reveals a section on values (k-values), several of which allude to valuing the diversity of the company’s workforce. A section on “our diversity” clearly makes the link between values and Kellogg’s commitment to diversity.

  7. Summarizes the main points of your findings and reflect on how genuine you think the company is in its stated commitment to diversity and the reasons for your perception.

  8. A reference section that lists the website and the course material you used in preparing this assignment.




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