short story analysis?

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I’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.

write short story analysis and reply to one student.

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user: difec password:022000 after you put user and password its going to ask two questions which are what state were you born in? and Whats your moms first name? so question 1 is FL (written like that) second question answer is Katya. then your going to click on D2L. after clicking on d2l your going to scroll down and click on CRW1001. Your going to click on assessments on top then a drop down bar is going come up and you will pick discussions and your going to scroll to unit 2 and its the first one. Short story analysis. The storys are in the discussion just click on them so u can read the stories and then here are the instructions. After everything is done your just going to post the discussion which is 250 words and then reply to one student in 100 words.

As part of this unit, you’ve been asked to read 4 short stories:

Please provide your feedback on the author’s techniques in ONE of these stories. In doing so, please comment on how the author utilizes at least one of the literary devices covered within this unit (plot, setting, characterization, etc) to create reader interest or to build depth. Quote for support. Be sure to have read the Unit 2 lessons before completing your post. Original post should be at least 250 words in length.

For your peer review, choose one student’s post and respond thoughtfully. Peer response should be at least 100 words in length.

Choose a piece that has not yet been reviewed. A piece should not receive a second review if another piece exists that has not yet been reviewed – comment on the new piece without a review first.

due november 1st at 11:59.

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