Transformational Business Report

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Transformational Business Report: AI and Robotics-BHP- entrepreneurship- social impact

Analysis (250 words)

The aim of this assessment is for you to synthesize social impact aspects affecting the potential ‘Transformation of Businesses’ to ensure the business and the relevant business environment are actively adapting to each other in a dynamic relationship. The social impact could about job or environment or anything related. The report will demonstrate how the entrepreneurship of the business environment (within AI and Robotics) is continually evolving and the factors that are impacting that evolution.

The report should include significant analysis that clearly outlines the identification & description of the issue, the size and scope of the ‘theme’ impact on BHP, and the strategies for how BHP company should address the ‘entrepreneurship’ business transformation impact on current and future operations. Other relevant business environmental (PEST) impacts that support the research findings.

Future (150 words)

here are four concluding thoughts and questions:

1. What has your PEST analysis of entrepreneurship revealed about the ‘possible futures’ for BHP? (PEST document attached)

2. Is this the ‘preferred future’ for BHP?

3. What are the treats and opportunities then about this preferred future?

4. What insights and recommendations would you have for BHP, with appropriate risk management considerations, to be viable into your identified ‘preferred future?’

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