Unit 5 individual project for ITCO381

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I need help with a Website Design question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


Continue to build on the skills of providing Web page content and structure with HTML and Web page style and layout using CSS. Demonstrate the skill of creating a dynamic Web page that includes JavaScript client-side scripting. Demonstrate the skill of creating a Web page that delivers audio and/or video content. Design and develop a Web site that includes at least 2 Web pages that meet the following requirements:

  • The design of all Web pages in the site must include the following:
    • A visually distinct header at the top of the page
    • A horizontal navigation bar below the header
    • Required content below the navigation bar to include elements as learned in previous assignments. A sufficient representation of headings, paragraphs, lists, images, table, figure, etc.
  • A form containing several input types and the Submit button.
  • 1 Web page must include dynamic content created by client-side scripting using JavaScript.
    • JavaScript code can be either
      • Embedded in the head element or
      • Included in an external JavaScript file that is linked to the Web page
    • You may write your own JavaScript code or implement code from a provider of free code (copyrights must remain intact).
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is free of errors that would cause it to fail to execute.
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is called to execute.
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is included in the Web site.
    • Validate the HTML in the Web page.
  • 1 Web page must deliver audio and/or video content.
    • Deliver the content to older browsers, as follows:
      • Using the embed element
      • iFrames and/or copy and paste ‘embed’ code from YouTube or other sites are NOT acceptable.
    • Deliver the content to modern browsers, as follows:
      • Using the video and/or audio elements
      • Ensuring that the content plays in all modern browsers
      • iFrames and/or copy and paste ‘embed’ code from YouTube or other sites are NOT acceptable.
    • Ensure that the media files are included in the Web site.
    • Validate the HTML in the Web page.
  • Use a single external CSS file to do the following:
    • Provide style, presentation, and layout to the Web pages in the Web site
    • Validate the CSS style rules
  • Submit all HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files in a .zip file.

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