. Discuss a specific example of religious syncretism resulting from the arrival of Europeans in North America or Africa.

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The three primary purposes of this assignment are (1) to assess your ability to communicate effectively in formal essay writing. (2) to gauge your knowledge of the material covered in the textbook, lectures, and class discussions. (3) to invite you to demonstrate critical and creative thought by weighing in on the subject matter. Use Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style for all writing assignments in this course. It must be double spaced, have 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) and be typed in 12-point font, Times New Roman or Calibri. Include a Work Cited. Answer two of the three questions below. The minimum word count for this entire exam is 1,000 words of essay writing, excluding the heading, works cited, etc. You may distribute the 1,000 word minimum between the two answers in whatever way you deem necessary to answer the questions thoughtfully. For example, you could write 600 words answering one of the questions and 400 words answering another. Both essay answers which you provide must be included in one overall written document. You must include one works cited at the end of the document which itemizes the sources you cite in either essay. For each essay, cite your textbook plus at least one other academic source. Therefore the total minimum sources required are three: the textbook (which you must use for both essay answers) as well as two other academic sources (one for each essay answer). There is no maximum on sources. 1. Discuss a specific example of religious syncretism resulting from the arrival of Europeans in North America or Africa. Decide if the syncretism involves (a) the assimilation of one group into a more dominant culture, (b) the separating out of one culture into an ethnic conclave, (c) the integration of the two encountering cultures, or (d) the marginalization and demise of one culture when faced with a more dominant group. Be specific about which Europeans, Americans, or Africans you are discussing. 2. How do ahimsa (non-injury to life) and asceticism (denial of bodily comfort) work together in Jain doctrine and practice?

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