Ranj-ERM-assignment 2

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I’m trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

You have a paper that will be due in two weeks. The paper is a short paper and is based on your research and presentation of the topic. For this paper you will do the following:

After watching the week 9 and 10 video lectures you are to select 2 topics of interest and synthesize those topics into a single theme. Your paper will be on the theme you develop, it must be original and your opinions must be supported by scholarly research.

Grading for this paper is as follows:

Theme and Content:40%

Application of Research: 30%

Proper Use of APA: 15%

Writing Mechanics (good writing and proofing): 15%

The paper must be submitted in an MS-Word Doc. Be sure to proof and ensure you have a well-done paper before submitting. Papers must be on time and you will have only 2 attempts to submit the paper.

Here is the google drive link to watch videos.


Its 100 point question.

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